The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Brian

Uganda’s fallen dictator, Idi Amin Dada summarized all dictatorship in one sentence. “You have freedom of speech. But freedom after speech, that I can not guarantee.” What an excellent quote. I think this absolutely applies to social media. I've always tried to use these platforms differently. I'm not there to fight, I try to make people smile and hope to add happiness to your day, but MANY people use social media in a different way. They say things that they would never say in person... usually under the banner of FREEDOM OF SPEECH! It's true, you CAN say whatever you want to say, but be ready for someone else to say whatever they want to say... and my observation... it gets out of control in a big hurry.

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Patrick

Winston Churchill said "I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies." I love that. I've watched people SAY things while the DO other things. It's always hard to make these two things work together. I will be the very first to admit... I'm not perfect. I'm FAR from perfect. If you want a list of my failures, I can probably fill a notebook or two. Many small failures, but also a few big ones... some doozies!! So trust me when I say, I'm not perfect! But I do try to always be ME! I have a snarky little guy on one of my shoulders that has sharp words... but I'm fortunate to have a more intelligent little fella on my other shoulder... and he seems to be louder... most of the time! Usually!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Rod

John Locke said "As people are walking all the time, in the same spot, a path appears." I love that... I actually read about a school where they waited to install the sidewalks until after the first year. They let the students make a path from the buildings to the other buildings they were walking to. These paths were the most obvious places to put the sidewalks since these paths were actually created by the actual traffic that will be walking on the sidewalks. I thought that was a pretty cool idea! I guess their lawn is amazing because the paths are almost always used, rather than a shortcut across the grass... every sidewalk is already a short cut! I loved that story, I hope it helps you somehow this week!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Kelly

Joyce Meyer said "A No. 2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere." Excellent quote! Now days, the pencil is optional! You could use a computer or a phone... or a pen... but a number two pencil works too! Side note, the number two pencil is by far the best selling pencil... so the number two pencil is really the number one pencil! That may be the ONLY time #2 is #1... but I digress! If you have a dream... you can just keep thinking about it... or you can do something about it. You don't have to do everything in one day... but take a moment to sketch out what this dream looks like and how you might act on it. What's the very first step for you? Maybe it's buying a pencil. I recommend a #2!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Sharron

This is an anonymous quote "Life has two rules: 1. Never quit; 2. Always remember rule No. 1." That is a great quote.... sadly, nobody knows who said it.... they took the time to write it down, but didn't write WHO said it! That always amazes me! As for the quote... I've met people who gave up too soon. I know a guy who stared a business and struggled for a few years. He finally decided to sell the place and go to work for someone else. About three months after he sold, a big company opened a store in an adjacent building that had been vacant for a decade. With the new business, his old company thrived! It wasn't the new owner that made it work, it was the neighbor. It would have been HIS neighbor!