The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Holly

Sarah Jessica Parker said "The firsts go away--first love, first kiss, first baby. You have to create new ones." Yes... new opportunities are a good thing! I was married young. I didn't plan to follow my new wife to a different state two years later... and I didn't plan for a divorce two or three months after that move. BUT I also didn't plan to meet the love of my life in this new community. I didn't plan to also fall in love with her two year old son. I didn't plan to marry her and have a daughter a year later. I didn't plan to move a dozen times before settling into the life we have now. I didn't plan for ANY of these things, but I believe God knew these plans. I'm glad I was open to them as these opportunities came along too!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Jackie

Mary Louise Alcott said "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship." Very cool. Think about that... how many times do we fear things that can really prepare us for life. We're afraid that some change might hurt our career, while this same change could also HELP our career. We're afraid to take a risk because this could result in us losing out on something, but this risk could also pay off and help us winning in a big way. Life is filled with options. It's not always easy to maneuver through these options, but don't be afraid to try new things! Use this as a way to learn new things, like you're learning to sail your ship. Just keep your hands on the wheel so you're ready to adjust if needed!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Christopher

Arthur Ashe said "From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life." This is brilliant. I shared a similar quote with a young friend last weekend. He and I had a chance to visit about many things and I told him how proud I am of him. I've know him for about ten years. He's grown so much and has become a very professional business person. I love that he cares so much about the people on his team. He's pouring into them... and it shows! I shared a quote that's similar to the one Christopher sent... Zig Ziglar said “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.” I learned that when I was young, it helped me grow in many ways!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Lilly

Malcolm Forbes said "If you have no critics, you'll likely have no success." I love this. I remember my first “hater”. Someone who didn't even know me, but they didn't like me. At first it really bothered me. I thought to myself, “if I could spend time with them, they would realize that I'm not a bad guy. I might even win them over”, but reality is, that probably wouldn't happen. Sometimes people just don't like you, period!! There is nothing YOU can do about it... because they don't really have an issue with you... it's more on THEM. They project this to you because that's easier than disliking something about themselves. With social media, this is more and more common. If you have critics, welcome to the club!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Greg

Arthur Balfour said "Enthusiasm moves the world." I love this.... and I LIVE this! I've been in sales for most of my life. I never really WANTED to be in sales, but when I started working in radio, I discovered that I had ideas to help people grow their business. The best way I could help them grow was to bring them fun ideas and help them implement these ideas with a radio campaign and eventually with a social media strategy too. About twenty years ago, I had a boss tell me I had “contagious enthusiasm”... that if I was excited about something I could get OTHERS excited too! I didn't really know what that meant, but I learned that if I had a fun idea, I could usually get other people excited too.