The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Beth

Milton Berle said "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." Funny quote, but very true too. Sometimes we need to LOOK for opportunities. I know people who are waiting for someone to come into their living room to pull them away from the TV to give them their big break. Good luck with that! If you want to succeed, you need to be out there looking for the chance. The phrase "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity" is attributed to the Roman philosopher Seneca. I think that fits here quite nicely. I had a client who was doing really well and someone said he was “so lucky” he kind of laughed and said “It's amazing what a little luck and working 80 hours a week, will do for you” I absolutely love that!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Dan

Albert Einstein said "I am thankful for all of those who said no to me. It's because of them I'm doing it myself." I love that. Have you ever been told NO? I'll bet you have. I've been there. I remember a rock bottom moment. We were in a bad place. We were suing a guy, which we eventually won, but our bank account was frozen and we were in a bad spot! I wanted to get someone to help us. I made the calls. I put my pride aside and asked for help. You don't know how hard that is for me. It's HARD! I got a pile of no's. Instead of getting a loan, we were able to get by. You'll notice I didn't say get by on OUR OWN! I believe God is the reason we were able to get by. We felt His blessings over and over.

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Ben

Margaret Thatcher said "In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman." I love that. I can relate by the way. My wife and I work together. She is the key to any success I've ever had in my life. I am a big picture guy. I see things from way up in the clouds, but my wife is grounded. She's the one holding the kite string. If she were to let go, I'm pretty sure I would crash down, like an abandoned kite. When I have ideas, she is often the one helping me make them a reality, or more often telling me to move on and not mess with this one. She's been really good at picking winners and helping me avoid stinkers, usually. I may have pushed a stinker past her radar a time or two.

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Paul

Galileo said "I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." What a great way to look at things. I kind of feel the same way! I've worked with hundreds of people along the way and I've learned something from each and every one of them. Sometimes it's their amazing wisdom that I try to soak in as much as I can. Other times it's their absolutely horrible actions that I try so hard to avoid doing myself. So you can learn good things from good people, but you can also learn things by watching what people do wrong, then aim to avoid doing that yourself. Some people need to touch the flame to make sure it's really hot. I've been there. I try to avoid that stuff now. Key word is TRY!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Larry

Brad Meltzer said "We are all ordinary. We are all boring. We are all spectacular. We are all shy. We are all bold. We are all heroes. We are all helpless. It just depends on the day." What an amazing quote! Brad is 100% right! I remember watching a guy tell jokes on stage and get laughs after every joke! The crowd was roaring. I opened for him. I was so happy to see how much people loved him. I was so nervous when we did the next show we did together. I opened for him and got laughs. When he went on it was crickets! I have no idea why. It was the same material he did the week before, but this crowd didn't like him. That night was a long ride home. I wish I knew what changed, because I'd avoid it!