The Motivation Minute, brought to you by
Today's quote was submitted by Donald
Brian Tracy says, “When you eat that frog right away in your day, everything else that happens will taste much better.” What a weird, but true, quote! If you have something that you DON'T want to do... but you have to do it sometime. I encourage you to make it a priority and get it done as soon as possible. I've had things live on my “to do list” for MONTHS. I see it sitting there and I dread the idea of wasting an hour or two on the project. BUT, when I finally tackle the dastardly deed... I often discover it was not as bad as I thought it would be... AND I'm always relieved to have it off my list! So if it's possible for you to move those things to the top of YOUR list, I think you'll find that it makes it all better!